/ Destinations
The unique and diverse.
The Balkans as a single territorial unit, has always been a crossroad between East and West, and the region where many people met, parted, fought, asociated. It has fostered a rich cultural and historical heritage of the Balkan region, where certainly every trail, every city can tell their own story. Balkan Incoming team knows these paths, which are interwoven throughout the Balkans.
A different kind of journey.
Our offer of Balkan tours includes all the former Yugoslav states, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and Greece, and the initiative is designed so that traveler see and experience as many new things as possible, for the shortest time possible. These are multi-day tours, you can count on that you will spend each night in a different hotel in another city, get to know the customs, culture and traditions of a country, and what's interesting, if you are clever you can find out some of the stories from the gully.
They are premade tours you can book just as they are, or you can make changes and customizations.
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